的 行为与社会科学学院 (BSS) maintains programs that provide the knowledge, 的角度来看, 和 practical skills needed to pursue excellence in the fields of human behavior, 社会科学, 政府, 和历史.
Our curricula merge theory with practice to create high-impact programs with resonance. We support subject exploration through research, classroom activities, 和 community engagement. 除了, each major incorporates opportunities to study outside of the classroom such as internships 和 study abroad opportunities.
我们的使命是教育, 激励, 和 motivate students to become distinguished voices in their respective fields 和 communities.
按此浏览 2021-2022年学术公报 并随时了解BSS的最新活动. 查看2021-22学位计划. 跟着我们走 脸谱网.
教职员工、院长和工作人员. 爱德华的 are frequently praised for the expertise 和 contributions they bring to their fields 和 teaching. 仅2019年一年, 他们获得了著名的奖项, 为媒体就时事发表书面观点, 和 shared research 和 的角度来看s with the public on topics they’re passionate about. 读到 BSS小组的四名成员 以及他们对学校和社区的贡献.
的 行为与社会科学学院 (BSS) is a vibrant community of faculty 和 student scholars representing the disciplines of criminal justice, 全球研究, 政治科学, 环境科学与政策, 历史, 心理学, 行为神经科学, 社会学, 还有社会工作.
在我们的课程中, 研究机会和实习机会, 我们支持我们的学生,拥抱包容性卓越的使命. We see value in diverse voices, strive for equity 和 believe our students can change the world.
通常被认为对雇主至关重要的技能,比如批判性思维, 解决问题, 情商与沟通, 是BSS学习体验的核心. 除了, BSS学生与教师密切合作, 研究在国际上, 获得领导经验,并与未来的雇主建立联系.
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our student successes, 教师的研究兴趣和成就, 以及参与体验式学习的机会. 我们对你的成功投入了全部,并将与你一起发现, 成长并实现成为最好的自己.
We are innovative thinkers 和 passionate teachers who drive the mission of St. 365比分网电竞. 我们的学术和教学丰富多样, mirroring both the multidisciplinary nature of the college 和 diversity found in global communities. 出于对发现的热爱, 我们形成了一个致力于丰富学生生活的知识社区.
Our goal is to give students the tools they need to thrive in their lives 和 careers. 我们创造了一个培养创新和合作的环境. 我们的信念是,真正的教育不是观念的灌输, 而是创造性和自由思考的能力. We strive to uphold this ideal through methodologies that allow our students to think critically 和 take ownership of their education.
的 行为与社会科学学院 seeks to accomplish the university's mission by educating students to underst和 和 think critically about human behavior, 社会制度, 世界文化, 以及社会公正, 使他们能够更好地与他们的社区和世界联系和服务.
St. 365比分网电竞 和 the 行为与社会科学学院 are committed to the pursuit of academic excellence.
所有的学士和硕士学位都是由St. 365比分网电竞 are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges 和 学校 (SACS).
Our BA in 社会工作 program is accredited by the Council on 社会工作 Education, 全国教育和专业机构协会, 社会福利机构, 以及普通公民. 的 CSWE is recognized by the Council for Higher Education 认证 as the sole accrediting agency for social work education in the country.
Our facilities give students 和 faculty the opportunity to collaborate on a truly professional level of research.
Equity Hall is home to the most advanced 心理学 labs in the Austin area 和 is outfitted with the latest in biofeedback measurement, 单向观察室, 还有视听技术. State-of-the-art 心理学 computer labs 和 technology-rich classrooms allow students 和 faculty to collaborate on a number of exciting research initiatives.
可持续设计,公平大厅是圣. 爱德华大学对环境管理的承诺. 节能照明和被动式供暖, 通风, 和 cooling systems make Equity Hall one of the most environmentally-conscious buildings on campus.
我们为寻求教育事业的学生提供两种途径. 随着目前课堂教师的短缺达到了一个临界点, 作为一名合格的教师寻求职业道路将保证就业, 极大的好处, 退休储蓄, 有竞争力的薪水.
General information 和 policies related to the teacher education program.
如果你有兴趣成为德克萨斯州的认证教师, 那么我们的辅修教师教育是正确的选择. We offer certification routes for secondary certification (7-12) in English, 历史, 生命科学, 化学, 和数学.
如果你想成为一名教育者, 但更喜欢在幼儿园到12年级的教室之外工作, 那么我们的辅修教育研究是最好的途径. Students who graduate with this minor seek education-related work like becoming an outdoor educator, 业培训师, 博物馆讲解员.
的 BSS跨学科学者辅修 挑战学生超越传统, disciplinary borders 和 investigate critical issues commonly addressed through research. Students work one-on-one with program advisors to set a course for exploration 和 discovery based on a theme topic of their choosing.
华盛顿中心项目 provides an opportunity for students to intern 和 study in Washington D.C.. 课程将在秋季开始, 春天, 并向所有符合条件的BSS学生开放.
的 BSS研究奖 recognizes current BSS students 和 faculty members for exceptional work in the area of BSS research 和 scholarship. Award recipients receive academic 和 financial support to further their advancements of the field.
的 Dr. 艾玛·卢·林恩研究基金 provide funding to current students 和 stipends to faculty who oversee the students’ work. 的 fund was initiated by the 心理学 Department to honor their senior colleague. It is open to all BSS faculty to reflect the diversity of interests that Dr. Emma Lou Linn has embraced over her long career 和 it recognizes the sizable 和 significant research output for which faculty in BSS are known. 这样做的时候, it fosters the student-faculty research collaborations that are the hallmark 和 one of the finest traditions of a St. 爱德华的教育.
BSS programs provide sound preparation for graduate school 和 a variety of careers that require a broad underst和ing of human behavior, 社会制度, 全球趋势和现象, 以及社会公正.
2019年10月30日 卡米拉·罗哈斯19岁, 环境科学与政策系校友, 最近她发表了关于旅游管理的研究, 保护区入场费和治理质量, 这是她在巴拿马留学经历的结果吗. Camila is currently working at a research station in Costa Rica 和 partnering with local non-profit organizations. 了解更多关于她的研究和职业道路, Office of 可持续性 Digital Media Intern Lorna Probasco '20 caught up with Camila. 阅读文章 在这里.